Art of Science

Challenge for some, a workshop for everyone!


Art of science is a workshop for scientists and artists, where both can create works of art on topics related to the natural sciences and the phenomena they study.


Participate as an academic or non-academic scientist and artist in this open-to-visit workshop, and challenge your imagination to become visible to others.

Join the initiative

Join us in organizing this workshop with the support of Academic institutions all around the World and become our “Art of Science” ambassador!


Workshop – visual arts



Why does the eye see a thing more clearly in dreams with the imagination being awake?


The “Art of Science” is a workshop that challenges artists and scientists to express creatively inspired by natural sciences. Because this workshop is open for visits, it aims to inspire visitors to look at natural phenomena through an artist’s eye and get another perspective on the elegance of life processes. Everything that happens in and around us, from the symphony of molecular processes to the majesty of the Universe, is the art we live every day and understand innately. The workshop consists of several parallel sessions aiming to visualize science topics on the canvas. It will subconsciously reveal if the knowledge is hidden in our genes and tell us about nature from yet unconsidered perspective.


Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated!


Are you involved in scientific research? Or are you an artist who explores the depths of imagination? Maybe you are both, and you are welcome to this workshop!

Participants are divided into teams and are challenged to communicate natural sciences through art. Each team is composed of one scientist and one artist. A scientist and an artist of the same team will produce a work of art separately on the topic assigned to the team at the event opening. Organizers will prepare a topic for each team explained in everyday language with no professional terms allowed in the title.

Every team will have a different science topic and will work with the technique chosen by the team’s artist. This session aims to challenge artists to “get to know” science and challenge scientists to translate their knowledge into art. Each competitor has an advantage over the other with its skills and knowledge, but we combine those to reach the same goal – to make science communication inspiring and fun!

Visitors of all ages will have the opportunity to follow the art creation during this one-day workshop. If inspired by scientific topics, the selected workshop material will be shared with our visitors, so they can also try their hands-on art. Above all, science is fascinating and mind-opening, and it waits for us to embrace it.

This session aims to eliminate the prejudice about what science is and who has the right to understand and discuss it. Science is an inseparable part of our everyday lives; we live, think, and understand it just like everything else. Let the knowledge shine!

Join the initiative

The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena,
it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.


“Art of Science” aims to compare how an artist and a scientist “see” the same natural phenomena. Artists are less involved in science and will give us a raw, intuitive representation. Scientists are introduced to the details of some natural processes and will give us a shaped, influenced presentation of the theme.

Each team member has an advantage over the other with their skills, but they combine these skills to reach the same goal – to make science communication inspiring and effective. The team will show its work and have a chance to explain what inspired them to create the exhibited art. Scientists would have an opportunity to tell their teammates artists more about the assigned topic, and the artist would explain more about the inspiration.

Meet the Art of Science ambasadors

Irina Terekhova

Co-organizer and ambassador, UNIL

Prof. Catherine de Wolf

Ambassador, ETH Zurich

YingYing Samara Ren

Ambassador, Engineer EPFL

Christophe Schimpf

Ambassador, Artist Genève

Khushdeep Sharma

Ambassador, Scientist, EMPA

Andrea Vucicevic

Author and initiator